Phuket Property Buyers Guide

The Problem with Dirty Land and Illegal Land Titles – Land Scams and the Risks to Buyers of Phuket Real Estate

The due diligence process is important when buying real estate in Phuket. But one of the most serious issues it can uncover is when a condominium project is found to have been built on national forest. Any projects built on land found to be owned by the forestry department are very likely to one day be demolished. This means investors may end up losing everything.

2019-06-28T05:48:14+00:00May 13th, 2019|

Why Developer Reputability is Important When Buying Real Estate in Phuket

It does not matter how good things look in marketing material, or how they sound in jazzy sales presentations. Every company, no matter their size, can face difficulties in a changing economic environment. This article highlights the importance of choosing the right developer, especially if you are considering buying off plan.

2019-06-28T06:30:40+00:00May 9th, 2019|


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