Phuket Property Buyers Guide

The Cost of Living, and the Cost of Buying and Renting Property on Phuket Island in 2025

The cost of living has been rising across the world, and this has also been noticeable on Phuket Island, especially with Phuket's property market. There are many factors to consider as to why this has been occurring, and so in this article we take a look at this upward trajectory of prices and address the causes of the ever rising cost of living on this beautiful tropical island.

2025-02-06T11:14:05+00:00February 6th, 2025|

Can I use Cryptocurrency to Buy a Property in Phuket in 2024/5?

The emerging trend of digital asset payments has led to an increase in prospective property buyers in Phuket requesting payment in crypto currencies. This trend does not seem to be abating, and so many Phuket developers are now accepting crypto currencies as a means of payment.

2024-12-13T14:49:54+00:00December 13th, 2024|

What Exactly is an FETF When Buying Property in Phuket?

Every foreigner purchasing real estate in Phuket needs to understand that when they transfer money into the country of Thailand, a Foreign Exchange Transaction Form (FETF) is required for registration of ownership. The receiving bank in Thailand is fully aware of this form and will issue the FETF for the buyer so that they may present it to the Land Department on the day of transfer of ownership. This form must be kept safe by the buyer as it will also assist in transferring monies out of Thailand when the foreigner decides to sell the property.

2024-11-26T01:15:56+00:00November 26th, 2024|

What Are the Documents Required for Transfer of Ownership of a Phuket Property?

When purchasing a Phuket property, certain documents are required to present to the Land Department in Phuket on the day of transfer of ownership. The Land Department is the only government body which as the power to do this. This article explains the procedures leading up to the day of transfer, and the documents required for that important day.

2024-11-26T01:16:15+00:00November 12th, 2024|

The Unbelievable Amount of New Property For Sale in Phuket

Phuket has seen spectacular growth in the real estate sector, with new projects springing up everywhere. This has created a huge choice of properties to choose from, ranging from extremely well priced condominiums, to luxury villas up in the tens of millions of US Dollars. This has, in many ways, revitalized the Phuket property sector. So vast is the current available choice of real estate in Phuket, it is almost impossible to remember every new project.

2024-09-13T05:36:37+00:00May 9th, 2024|

An Overview on the Current Situation of Short-Term Rentals in Phuket 2024

Many owners currently renting their villas or condominiums to holiday makers on a short-term basis are seeking clarity on what they can or can't do. This article attempts to explain the current situation and where things may be headed. This article takes a broad overview of the current situation surrounding short-term rentals, and how things might change in the future.

2024-08-09T05:27:16+00:00January 30th, 2024|

25 Indisputable Reasons For Buying a Phuket Foreign Freehold Condominium – All the Benefits & Advantages Explained

Phuket condominiums are the safest and most secure way for foreigners to purchase real estate in Phuket, or anywhere in Thailand. The Condominium Act allows freehold ownership, which comes with numerous benefits and advantages. In this article we discuss why it makes more sense for foreigners seeking a home or investment property to buy a condominium, rather than any other form of real estate structure on the island.

2024-11-26T01:27:41+00:00November 28th, 2023|

20 Reasons Why Phuket Island is An Excellent Place to Invest in Real Estate

Phuket condos offer foreigners freehold ownership in perpetuity. This is most certainly the main reason the condo market has grown significantly over the last two decades. In this article we outline the key attractions for buying a condominium on the tropical island of Phuket.

2023-11-19T07:48:42+00:00November 2nd, 2023|


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